Since joining RAK Academy Khuzam in 2018, I have had the privilege of fulfilling the role of Inclusion Lead, Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator and SEND Teacher across the British and International Baccalaureate curriculum. I have actively supported the development and implementation of new SEND interventions, training programmes, and helped develop assessment, monitoring and improved outcomes for SEND pupils. I strive to continue developing the Inclusion Department with removing barriers to learning, developing external agency support and training programmes to support staff CPD.
I worked in an outstanding mainstream Primary School for 10 years. Whilst in SENCo role, The Department of Education (Ofsted) described special needs in the school as ‘Disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs make outstanding progress from their starting points. In particular, they acquire good mastery of reading and writing skills, which enable them to tackle a wide range of subjects and succeed well.’
Over my teaching career I have had years of experience as part of the senior and middle leadership team and curriculum lead for English as an additional language. I am currently in the process of finishing the Department of Education UK’s National Professional Qualification in Behaviour and Culture. I have also started my Doctorate in Education with a focus on the development of inclusive practices considering pupil development and the science of education.