Work History
Additional Information
Academic journals review membership:

Maryam Mannaa

Assistant Professor


I believe that I am a dynamic, enthusiastic and cooperative faculty. I hold a PhD in Tourism and Hospitality from the University of Alexandria, one of Egypt's most famed and established public universities.

I've taught at universities and colleges in the fields of business, tourism, and hospitality.

I also have extensive work experience in a multinational environment, working with colleagues and students from a wide range of cultural backgrounds.

After the educational institutions turned to remote education after the Covid -19 pandemic, I have attended many workshops in distance learning, electronic games in education,and design of electronic tests.

I am, moreover, a very active researcher. My papers are published in some of the top-rated scholarly journals by SJR, SCOPUS and ABDC

such as: Current Issues in Tourism and Tourism Management Perspectives.

I also work as a supervisor for master students within the joint cultural heritage preservation management program between ICCROM (The International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property) and the University of Sharjah.

Over the past seven years, I have been heavily involved in working on academic quality assurance and accreditation. After successfully passing 3 qualifying workshops by the CAA, I became a Certified Reviewer at the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), UAE. Recently, I have started working with the CAA team as an external reviewer.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Assistant Professor

University of Sharjah
Sharjah, UAE
09.2014 - Current


  • Used variety of learning modalities and support materials to facilitate learning process and accentuate presentations, including visual, aural and social learning modalities.
  • Revised course objectives, course materials, instructional and assessment strategies.
  • Helped struggling students by providing support outside of classrooms and consistently checking in on progress.
  • Mentored students and communicated internship and employment opportunities.
  • Performed and published research in top academic specialized journals.
  • Applied innovative teaching methods to encourage student learning objectives.
  • Contributed to campus activities to promote positive university image.
  • Constructing feasibility studies for new academic programs that will be proposed for academic accreditation>
  • Constructing self-study files to be submitted for current program re-accreditation.
  • Became a certified reviewer by the Academic Accreditation Authority (CAA) and works with the accreditation team as an external reviewer.

Courses Taught

  • Introduction to Tourism
  • Cultural Heritage & Tourism
  • Tourism distribution channels and group Travel Management
  • Public Relations.
  • English for Tourism
  • Tourism Products
  • Hospitality Industry
  • Tourism Guidance
  • Art of Museums
  • Tourism Legislations


1. Member of Accreditation Committee

2. Member of Planning and curriculum committee

3. Member of Student Advisory committee

4. Member of Department website committee

5. Member of academic accreditation Committee

6. Member of Female students’ attitude control committee

7. Member of schedule and exams’ committee.

Supervising Master students:

Dr. Maryam is currently supervising 3 students as part of the Master of Science in Cultural Heritage Preservation Management (a joint program between ICCROM and the University of Sharjah).

Coordinator of Tourist Guidance Program

University of Sharjah
Sharjah, Sharjah
09.2018 - 06.2020
  • Assist in screening and selecting faculty applications.
  • Manage orientation, training and relocation for new faculties.
  • Collaborate with faculty to conduct new student workshops.
  • Assist in managing schedule and faculty teaching load.
  • Assist in development of internship modules and programs.
  • Preparing Self-Study for CAA inspections and constructing an executive summary for new program accreditation.

Assistant Professor

American university in the Emirates
Dubai, Dubai
09.2012 - 08.2014


  • Teaching, preparing and reviewing courses’ syllabi, writing exams, proctoring exams and preparing course files.
  • Advising and monitoring students who are underperforming academically.
  • Conduct academic research alone or in collaboration with internal or external peers.
  • Preparing Self-Study for CAA inspections.
  • Participation in committees at the department, college, and university levels.

Courses Taught

1. Principles of Marketing

2. International Marketing (MBA)

3. Marketing Distribution Channels

5. Organizational Communication

7. Broadcast Advertising and Sales.

8. Supply Chain Operations.


1. Member of program development and accreditation committee.

2. Member of the students’ advisory committee.

3. Member of the marketing committee.

4. Member of student affairs committee.

Assistant Professor

Alexandria University
Alexandria , Egypt
02.2009 - Current

Appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels at Alexandria University. I've been on unpaid leave since 2009 to accompany my husband, who works in the UAE.


Ph.D - Tourism, Hospitality and Tourism Guidance

Alexandria University
06.2002 - 02.2009

M.Sc. - Tourism, Hospitality and Tourism Guidance

Alexandria University
06.1996 - 07.1999

Bachelor Degree - Tourism, Hospitality and Tourism Guidance

Alexandria University
09.1990 - 05.1994

Certified Reviewer By The Academic Accreditation Authority (CAA), Ministry of Higher Education, UAE -

Ministry of Higher Education, UAE
02.2020 - 11.2020


Curriculum Development



The Certified Reviewer Project by the Commission for Academic Accreditation, Ministry of Higher Education, UAE.

Workshop 1: Preparing the Self-Study Document

February 2020

The CAA Certified Reviewer Project.

E-Workshop 2: Preparing External Reviewers and the Onsite Visit

April 2020

Workshop 3: Onsite Practical Experience

November 2020

Workshops in teaching methods from Faculty of Leadership Development Center (FLDC), Alexandria University

1- Effective Presentation Skills workshop.

2- Exams and Evaluation Systems workshop.

3- Teaching with Technology workshop.

4- Effective Teaching workshop.

5- Research Ethics workshop.

6- Communication skills.

Workshops in teaching methods from Center of continuing Education and Leadership institution, Black Board department, and Office of Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at University of Sharjah:

1. Writing effective course learning outcomes workshop.

2. Designing an Instructional Plan Incorporating Research-based Instructional Strategies workshop.

3. Developing a course assessment plan workshop.

4. Course design workshop.

5. Creating Positive School Experience Workshop.

6. Blended teaching workshop.

7. Active & flipped learning workshop.

8. Blackboard Workshops.

9. Distance learning workshops.

10. Electronic Exams Workshops.

11. Collaborate platform workshop.

12. Linking the course materials from the Blackboard with the electronic file of the course workshop.

13. “Hands-on Educational Games to Strengthen the Quality of Course Delivery & Student Engagement in Online Classes” workshop.

14. “Explore the assignment tool, grading rules, and attendance reports on Blackboard collaborate ultra” workshop.

15. “Explore the new Ultra Backboard course” workshop.

16. “Preparing and implementing assignments and tests in the blackboard system” workshop.

17. “Electronic tests and grading center in the blackboard system” workshop.

18. “Successful electronic exam experiences: the views of faculty members” workshop.

19. “Effective student participation in the time of education, change and transformation” workshop.

20. “Interactive lectures management” workshop.

21. Cultural awareness in the work place.

22. Faculty advising capacity building training.

23. Practical training on educational games to enhance the quality of teaching and student engagement in Online learning classes.

24. Create an interactive presentation with Nearpod to increase student engagement and motivate them to learn.

25. Methods and tools to enhance student participation in the educational process.

Research related workshops:

1- “Writing effective research proposal” workshop.

2- “How to write a literature review in Research Writing” workshop.

3- “Ethics of scientific research in the humanities and social sciences” workshop.

4- “How to manage your citations using Mendely” workshop.

5- 1st Forum for women in research.

Other workshops:

1. Workshop on the Task stream platform for internship academic supervisors.

2. “Social work theories and how to employ them in professional work” workshop.

3. “Development of innovation, entrepreneurship, start- up, spin off, incubation and acceleration”.

4. “Ways to create and manage electronic meetings via Microsoft Teams” workshop.


· Tourist Satisfaction and Retention.

· Customer Relationship Management.

· Tourism Service Failure and Customer Retention.

· Halal Tourism.

· Women’s empowerment and tourism.

· Youth travel.

· Women Travel.

· Travel Information Sources.

· Tourism legislations.

· Impacts of Tourism Development.

Additional Information

1. Mannaa, M., B. Chaudhry, “Role of Justice in the Complaint Handling Setting: A Scenario-Based Experiment Study”, Academy of Contemporary Research Journal (AOCRJ), 2 (4), 131-151.

2. Mannaa, Maryam (2017), “Is Islam with or against Tourism? Halal Tourism Perception; Definition and Requirements, Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality, 14(1), 143-153.

3. Mannaa, Maryam (2018), Profiling UAE Youth Travel: Application of Push and Pull Theory, International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 12(2-2), 193-205.

4. Mannaa, Maryam (2019), Travel Information Sources among United Arab Emirates Travellers, International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality,

13(1-2), 48-57.

5. Mannaa, Maryam (2019) Halal food in the tourist destination and its importance for Muslim travellers, Current Issues in Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2019.1616678

6. Maryam Taha Mannaa (2017), Analyzing the tourism reality in Sharjah; The Opportunities and Challenges, Journal of Tourism and Archaeology, 29(2), 243-260.

7. Mannaa, Maryam (2019), Introduction to tourism legislations: United Arab Emirates model, Sharjah: University of Sharjah, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Scientific Research and Graduate Studies.

8. Mannaa, Maryam (2020), Students’ perceptions towards working in the tourism and hospitality industry in United Arab Emirates, Al-Adab Journal, 135, 33-52.

9. Mannaa, Maryam (2020), Residents’ Perceptions of the Impacts of Tourism Development: Empirical Evidence from UAE, International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and Hospitality, 14 (1), 52-66.

10. Abou-Shouk, M., Mannaa, M., Elbaz, A. (2021), Women’s empowerment and tourism development: A cross-country study, Tourism Management Perspectives, 37, 1-11.


Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook)


Online Learning & Teaching Platform: Blackboard

Online examination Platform: Respondus LockDown Browser

Academic journals review membership:

1. Current Issues in Tourism Journal. Taylor and Francis Group, Routledge publications, Scopus Journal.

2. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. Taylor and Francis Group, Routledge publications, Scopus Journal.

3. Journal of Islamic Marketing, Emerald Insight, Scopus Journal.

4. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, Routledge publications, Scopus Journal.

5. University o Sharjah Journal for Humanities and Social Sciences.


1. The 11th World Tourism Conference: Tourism as a Business, 16-18 November 2019, Athens, Greece. Presented paper: “Halal tourism in United Arab Emirates”.

2. Sub-regional workshop organized by the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) on “The role of tourist guides in the development of cultural and environmental tourism”. Presentation of a paper entitled "The Role of Cultural Tourism in Promoting Cultural Dialogue among Peoples and Civilizational Communication among Nations" at the Regional Office of the Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) in Sharjah, 30 April-1 May 2018.

3. The 21st International Joint World Cultural Tourism Conference and 7th World Tourism Conference, 25-27 November 2017 at J. F. Oberlin University, Tokyo, Japan.

Received the Best Paper Award in the conference.

4. “Development of innovation, entrepreneurship, start up, spin off, incubation and acceleration” Workshop organized by the Center for Continuing Education ( UOS) in cooperation with the European Center for Creativity at the University of Malaga, Spain (EUBIC).

5. The 2nd Annual Cultural Tourism Middle East Forum, Dubai, 1-2 November 2017.

6. International Journal of Arts and Science International Conference. Al Ain University for Science and Technology: International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 2016.

7. Global Conference on Business Management and Social Sciences, April 24-25, 2015, Dubai.

8. Learning Difficulties work shop, American university in the Emirates, 2014.

9. International Conference on Technology and Business Management Conference, American university in the Emirates, 2014.

10. Middle East Marketing Academia Meets Practice Roundtable, University of Strathclyde, Dubai Campus, May 2013

11. Tourism and Environment workshop, Tourism and Hotels College Alexandria University, 1996.

12. The 3rd Annual Cultural Tourism & Museum Development conference, October 2018, Dubai.

13. Sharjah Hospitality Forum 2020 “Developments in the tourism sector in Sharjah and the mechanisms of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic”, Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Authority, November, 2020.

14. Forth Tourism Forum “Virtual destinations: sustainability and the power of attraction” University of Sharjah, Feb. 2021.


Certified Reviewer By The Academic Accreditation Authority (CAA), Ministry of Higher Education, UAE -

Ministry of Higher Education, UAE
02.2020 - 11.2020

Coordinator of Tourist Guidance Program

University of Sharjah
09.2018 - 06.2020

Assistant Professor

University of Sharjah
09.2014 - Current

Assistant Professor

American university in the Emirates
09.2012 - 08.2014

Assistant Professor

Alexandria University
02.2009 - Current

Ph.D - Tourism, Hospitality and Tourism Guidance

Alexandria University
06.2002 - 02.2009

M.Sc. - Tourism, Hospitality and Tourism Guidance

Alexandria University
06.1996 - 07.1999

Bachelor Degree - Tourism, Hospitality and Tourism Guidance

Alexandria University
09.1990 - 05.1994
Maryam MannaaAssistant Professor