Enthusiastic pilot eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. Biggest strengths are communication, team working skills and multicultural experience. Motivated to learn, grow and excel in all areas in life.
Palms And Roses is a passion project I share with my childhood best friend. It is an online store that focuses on unisex street fashion with the targeted audience being people aged 18-35. Together, my friend and I, created the brand as metaphor for our childhood upbringing in United Kingdom and our adolescent maturity years in the United Arab Emirates. For that reason we decided to opt for the palm and rose to capture both sides of the coin that is our life.
I have been lucky to learn through my mistakes in this industry and business, they are as follows;
My team and I were coordinating the assessment, installation and monitoring of implementing cathodic protection under the mentorship of Michael Nixon.
For some brief background information, cathodic protection is a technique and major weapon to combat and control the inevitable corrosion of a metal surface and more importantly extend the lifespan of a building or structure.
During my time with Nixon Cathodic, I learnt many valuable life lesson while working in the construction industry;
Modern Aviation & Aircraft Technology
My strongest language and the language I use most often. IELTS level 8 and ICAO English level 6.