Meticulous professional experienced in performing techniques Well-organized and disciplines with methodical approach to handling specimens and conducting
complex and routine tests with the highest possible accuracy and precision and keeping up with advancements, Prepared to offer many years' experience in the field to new position with room for advancement.
Available upon request
Roche cobas e411, cobas c311, Sysmex XN2000, Sysmex XT2000, Cell-DYN3700, ORTHO Vision Blood banking system, ABO/RH [grouping manual and automated], SEBIA Capillary (HbA1c and HB Electrophoresis), ACL TOP300 and ACL Elite pro coagulation, Abbott Archietect analyser (ci4100, i2000, i1000, c4000), Abbott Axsym system machine, Siemens atellica automated chemistry and immunology modules, Vidas -Minividas system analyzer, alfa Wasserman- Ace clinical chemistry, Bayer Rapid laboratory blood gas machine, Diasorin- Liaison machine, Iris machine, Urised 3 -PRO, Vitek machine sensitivity and identification, manual culture procedure, gram stain, Sysmex UN-5000 Automated urinanlysis.