Onshore Processing Facility Compression, Clients: Shell and Gazprom, Sakhalin, Russian Federation
- Managed a team of 250 subcontractor personnel from multinational backgrounds to execute the power utilities construction works of the plant including 1,500km of cables, HV and LV equipment.
- Optimized the power distribution strategy for the temporary site facilities achieving USD 1.2m in savings to the project’s budget.
- Issued the subcontracting strategy, scopes of work, and bills of quantities (BOQs) for 5 subcontracts worth over USD 10m for temporary site facilities.
- Managed the design and construction of utilities (power, water, and sewage) for temporary site facilities that housed 1,800 team members.
- Facilitated weekly safety workshops for commissioning works and winterization plans.
- Trained and mentored 2 graduate engineers for 3 months in project delivery and construction management
Lower Fars Heavy Oil Development, Client: Kuwait Oil Company, Abdali, Kuwait and Tianjin, China
- Led the engineering, delivery, and installation of 4,000km of cables including 2,500km underground.
- Advised design team and supported construction works of 2 large 10kV substation buildings in Kuwait.
- Relocated to Tianjin, China for 8 months to directly lead the timely fabrication and shipment of 24 prefabricated substations, following that moved to Kuwait to ensure a safe and successful installation.
- Coordinated a safe transport of 24 prefabricated substations (100 MT each) by liaising with the Kuwaiti government agencies to plan power outages along the route.
Business Development and Other Roles, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah, UAE
- Proposals: Coordinated a team of 3 engineers to prepare and issue bills of quantities (BOQs), vendor bid tabs and cost estimates for 3 oil and gas proposals.
- UAE Team Support: Liaised with teams working in ZADCO Island, Abu Dhabi for package management and government agencies checklists for design approvals.
- Special Tasks: Demonstrated critical thinking in a technical challenge related to safety in power substations and led a team to prepare a safety study regarding batteries hydrogen emissions. The study was presented to Kuwaiti government officials and client representatives.