Bringing more than 3 years of experience leading high-impact web application projects for diverse industry organizations, including gathering user requirements, producing code, creating mockups and enhancing designs. Focused on creating clean, robust code and dedicated to building and optimizing user-focused websites.
Hoping to seek and maintain full-time position that offers professional challenges utilizing interpersonal skills, excellent time management and problem-solving skills.
Full stack agile development as a part of the Digital Transformation team centered around React & Node using Azure Services, MongoDB, & Material UI.
Working as a webmaster, creating & curating websites React, Firebase & Wordpress as well as handling their DevOps & cost aspects
Full stack agile & test-driven development centered around React & Node.js using TypeScript, MongoDB, Amazon Web Services, Jest, Bootstrap, Tailwind & Material UI.
"Distributed Generation Potential of Industrial States of Pakistan", a study initiated by the IFC, a member of the World Bank Group through VTT Global.
Full stack agile & test-driven development centered around React & Node using TypeScript, MongoDB, Amazon Web Services, Jest & Material UI.
Full stack web application maintenance & development on MERN Stack
Registered Scrum Master
Registered Product Owner