Work History
Work Availability
Syed Najib Ahmed Shah

Syed Najib Ahmed Shah

The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
Bertrand Russell


Bringing more than 3 years of experience leading high-impact web application projects for diverse industry organizations, including gathering user requirements, producing code, creating mockups and enhancing designs. Focused on creating clean, robust code and dedicated to building and optimizing user-focused websites.

Hoping to seek and maintain full-time position that offers professional challenges utilizing interpersonal skills, excellent time management and problem-solving skills.


Full Stack Web Developer - Emirates Flight Catering
10.2022 - Current
Freelance Full Stack Web Developer and Web Master - MOSS
03.2022 - 10.2022
Software Engineer - E-Jaad
02.2021 - 02.2022
Data Analyst & Team Coordinator - VTT Global (Part-Time/Projec Based)
11.2020 - 02.2021
Trainee Software Engineer - E-Jaad
09.2020 - 01.2021
Full Stack Developer - W4Work
04.2020 - 08.2020
Comsats University - Bachelor of Science, Computer Science
  • Registered Scrum Master, Scrum inc.
  • Registered Product Owner, Scrum inc.


years of professional experience

Work History

Full Stack Web Developer

Emirates Flight Catering
10.2022 - Current

Full stack agile development as a part of the Digital Transformation team centered around React & Node using Azure Services, MongoDB, & Material UI.

  • Developed a full stack application for digitization & automation of manual paper intensive internal process for advance payment & repayment of cash to employees.
  • Developed a full stack application for streamlining & automation of manual email-based sample requests from chefs and smart sheets based sample quality reports generated by procurement team
  • Developed efficient and maintainable software according to business objectives and needs of clients.
  • Managed development milestones from initial steps through final delivery, including requirement gathering from clients, designing mockups, task breakdown and estimations, coding and timely delivery.
  • Participated and took charge of all client meetings for requirements gathering to solidify prerequisites and determine best technical solution to meet business needs.

Freelance Full Stack Web Developer and Web Master

03.2022 - 10.2022

Working as a webmaster, creating & curating websites React, Firebase & Wordpress as well as handling their DevOps & cost aspects

  • Configured and purchased domains for websites.
  • Validated third-party code to comply with internal standards and technical requirements.
  • Trained support staff in site implementation, updating and maintenance procedures.
  • Discussed site and app requirements with clients to produce actionable development plans.
  • Planned website development, converting mockups into usable web presence with JSX, React, AJAX, and Firebase coding as well as WordPress.

Software Engineer

02.2021 - 02.2022

Full stack agile & test-driven development centered around React & Node.js using TypeScript, MongoDB, Amazon Web Services, Jest, Bootstrap, Tailwind & Material UI.

  • Supervised & took part in the development life-cycle of Reflow, An IoT/Embedded Systems based SCADA application developed in-house by EJaad engineers & deployed at filtration plants
  • Designed & developed the frontend for WeCare, a feedback system based on micro service architecture & AWS-Lambdas, Designed for the elderly, their family/caretakers & the staff for old age homes in Sweden.
  • Tested methodology with writing and execution of test plans, debugging and testing scripts and tools.
  • Worked with customers for needs analysis and to determine vendor costs.
  • Collaborated with fellow engineers to evaluate software and hardware interfaces.
  • Estimated work hours and tracked progress using Scrum methodology.
  • Represented software applications engineering team during large and complex development projects.
  • Informed internal personnel and external stakeholders of project milestones.
  • Analyzed proposed technical solutions based on customer requirements.
  • Identified and documented project changes with proactive budget and deadline oversight.
  • Worked with software development and testing team members to design and develop robust solutions to meet client requirements for functionality, scalability, and performance.
  • Delivered unit-tested systems within customer-prescribed timeframes.
  • Tested and deployed scalable and highly available software products.
  • Reviewed code, debugged problems, and corrected issues.
  • Developed unit test cases for testing and automation.

Data Analyst & Team Coordinator

VTT Global (Part-Time/Projec Based)
11.2020 - 02.2021

"Distributed Generation Potential of Industrial States of Pakistan", a study initiated by the IFC, a member of the World Bank Group through VTT Global.

  • Collected sensitive industrial data via on-site visits & telephonic calls.
  • Managed, authenticated, analyzed, & represented the data using data analysis tools & graphical representation.
  • Incorporated this data into four carefully drafted reports as deliverables.
  • Extracted and interpreted data patterns to translate findings into actionable outcomes.
  • Managed & supervised weekly task goals of the entire team using online task management tools
  • Generated ad-hoc reports to evaluate specific business requirements.
  • Documented effective and replicable methods for extracting data and organizing data sources.
  • Upheld security and confidentiality of documents and data within area of responsibility.

Trainee Software Engineer

09.2020 - 01.2021

Full stack agile & test-driven development centered around React & Node using TypeScript, MongoDB, Amazon Web Services, Jest & Material UI.

  • Trained as a full-stack engineer on multiple enterprise tourism & healthcare products in an agile & test driven environment
  • Shadowed team members to learn new tasks and how to appropriately handle technical issues.
  • Prioritized tasks and completed in order of importance.
  • Wrote clear, clean code for various projects.
  • Worked with design teams and Senior Software Engineers to build customized software products for consumers.
  • Sat in on design team and planning meetings.

Full Stack Developer

04.2020 - 08.2020

Full stack web application maintenance & development on MERN Stack

  • Developed web portals for the HR team & aspiring applicants to increase efficiency in the organization's hiring process
  • Updated organization's existing web-apps to automate manual tasks
  • Reviewed code, debugged problems, corrected issues, modified and upgraded software to improve performance.
  • Analyzed work to generate logic for new systems, procedures and tests.
  • Authored code fixes and enhancements for inclusion in future code releases and patches.
  • Tested and deployed scalable and highly available software products.
  • Managed development milestones from initial steps through final delivery.
  • Estimated work hours and tracked progress using Scrum methodology.


Registered Scrum Master

  • Agile Education by Scrum inc. - Feb 2023

Registered Product Owner

  • Agile Education by Scrum inc. - Mar 2023


Bachelor of Science - Computer Science

Comsats University, Islamabad


  • React, Node, Express, MongoDB, Redux, Context API
  • Azure DevOps, Git, Bitbucket, Jira
  • HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Material UI, AntDesign, Tailwind
  • Netlify, Heroku, Azure Storage, Azure CosmosDB Amazon AWS, Firebase
  • Restful API
  • Software Best Practices
  • Continuous Deployment, Continuous Integration
  • Agile, Scrum master, Product Owner,
  • Client handling, Project management, Process improvement, Requirements Specifications
  • Adobe Creative Suite, Figma, CSS & HTML generators

Work Availability

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Syed Najib Ahmed Shah